This company (Hoverstop) has created an ergonomic mouse that helps to avoid RSI (Repetitive Stress Injuries) when working with a computer. If you are not using the Hoverstop mouse for more than 10 seconds, it will vibrate softly to remind you to take your hand away and relax!
Above are some graphic ideas (good Hoverstop mouse and bad non ergonomic mouse...) I created for a Website, a game and an animation, which are still in construction. The main purpose is to help children (and alternatively adults) to understand the importance of the ergonomic mouse. I hope to be able to post the final work on this Blog soon.
.Above are some graphic ideas (good Hoverstop mouse and bad non ergonomic mouse...) I created for a Website, a game and an animation, which are still in construction. The main purpose is to help children (and alternatively adults) to understand the importance of the ergonomic mouse. I hope to be able to post the final work on this Blog soon.
--> See previous posts about Hoverstop : 1, 2
--> Visit Hoverstop's Website