Peace Trace
Ben Heine by Cival Einstein

Above is the portrait Cival Einstein (Brazilian graphic artist) did of me. Read the interview I had with him and which was posted on this Blog a few days ago "Peace Trace" is the title Cival gave to the portrait.

Thank you Cival, I’m so much honoured. You have a unique style in all your artworks: Perfect lines, perfect colours and very deep message. Just amazing. And in this particular portrait, you described brilliantly the difficult situation I'm often in: trying to talk about Peace in war times. My intention is to criticize, through my political cartoons, all kinds of injustices towards mankind and continue to draw what the oppressors don't want to see. I sincerely hope we can one day reach this peaceful world we all dream of.

Cival Einstein was born in 1982, in Fortaleza-Ceara, Brazil. He is cartoonist and caricaturist. He published his work in several books (books of poetry, Para didactic books, reviews…). He exhibited his work in Brazil, Turkey, Iran, France, Portugal, Serbia & Montenegro, Romania and participated to several worldwide cartoon contests. You can reach him at or

See more artworks by Cival Einstein :