Be My Friend
Something in Common

Another Danboard I drew on a small piece of paper. It's actually the same drawing and same paper than PvsC 38, but it's another photo; I placed the little robot in a different environment... I used a 200 mm lens.
I titled this picture "Something in Common" because in French "leaf" and "sheet" are both named "feuille"... I also wanted to suggest an opposition between technology (the tiny robot) and nature (the leaf). Nature is everywhere, the robot is a fictive representation. Magritte might have said: "this is not a robot", it's only an image of it... =)
I titled this picture "Something in Common" because in French "leaf" and "sheet" are both named "feuille"... I also wanted to suggest an opposition between technology (the tiny robot) and nature (the leaf). Nature is everywhere, the robot is a fictive representation. Magritte might have said: "this is not a robot", it's only an image of it... =)
(All the above photos have been shot with the Samsung NX10)
© 2010 - Ben Heine
© 2010 - Ben Heine