This is a photo I took at the "Art Brussels" fair happening every year in April in Belgium. The picture shows an installation with contemporary sculptures of Adam and Eve and a bookcase wallpaper in the background.

Please, also have a look at my photo report showing the exhibited artworks that have impressed me the most when I visited this 28th edition of the fair.

Pencil Vs Camera - 12

I took this photo in Belgium. I also drew the rough sketch. LOL

© 2010 - Ben Heine

This is a photo I took in Lille, France. I also made the rough sketch.
I do not especially support polygamy, this is just a visual idea ^^
Thank you all very much for the constructive feedbacks!

© 2010 - Ben Heine
Ben Heine interviewed
by Simon Crisp (*)

How did you come up with the idea for Pencil Vs Camera?

I’ve been taking photos and drawing since almost 10 years. This « Pencil Vs Camera » series is nothing but the result of several years of graphic exploration and a logic consequence of my artistic evolution. But the real idea came by coincidence while I was watching television and writing a letter at the same time a few weeks ago. Reading my letter before putting it in the envelope, I saw in transparency the television behind the paper. I then realize it would be great to make something similar in a single image showing 2 different actions.

I went outside and Drew « Pencil Vs Camera 1 » which is very simple and shows 2 chairs with a small table. About ¼ of the scene is represented on the paper, the other ¾ happens on the photo. So this is roughly how the project started. In my other « Pencil Vs Camera » images, I tried to introduce weird elements on the paper (such as dinosaurs, ufo’s, double pair of eyes…) to contrast with the realism of the photo.

How do you pick the photos you use?

The photos and drawings always come from my own stock/production. I somehow consider the surface of the image as a battle between drawing and photography and the tools of this fight are my « pencil » and my « camera ». So I usually choose photos with a striking subject and a specific action. It can also be nice to use a background scenery with a very simple or low semantic effect and make everything happen inside the small piece of paper.

The great thing is that photo and drawing are 2 different ways of expression but they go well together and they definitely have the same purpose: share an idea, an emotion, a concept or a message.

How do you pick what to add?

There are no rules. There mustn’t be. Imagination and creativity are the leitmotif. This is why this series is so amusing to do for me. You can choose to draw something in a realistic way or to rather go crazy. I personally prefer to show unreal things on the paper because the photo is a mere reflection of the world we live in.

I noticed that representing a strong perspective on the paper (for instance in Pencil Vs Camera 4 or 8) gives a good illusion and generates a nice visual impact when it matches the main lines of the background scenery. It is very exciting for the viewer to ignore what’s really behind the paper. It is clear for me that it really is the battle between drawing and photography that is the whole message and purpose of the series.

What are your favourites so far?

I don’t really have favourites. I let the viewer decide what he prefers and I’m only thinking about my next projects.

What reaction have you had to them?

This series has had a very positive outcome. I really didn’t expect that. I’m very happy of the good feedbacks I’ve received from all over the world. I think and I hope this technique will become a new form of expression for everybody because there is so much to express with this kind of visual work. So good luck!


(*) Simon Crisp is a journalist and editor whose work regularly appears in national UK newspapers including The Times, The Daily Mail, The Sun and the Daily Star. He also also founded NewsLite

This is a photo I took from Montmartre's hill in
Paris, France. I also made the rough sketch.

© 2010 - Ben Heine
My "Pencil Vs Camera" series was recently
featured on "Flickr Blog" (Many
thanks to Zack Sheppard)
Slideshow of the Week

I could have called it "Drawing Vs Photography"...

All the graphic elements shown in this set (and in my Flickr stream) come from my own production. I drew the sketches, took the photos, edited them...

If you wish to have any more information or simply want to download and own the original version of one of my creations, please contact

This is a view of the countryside in Belgium.
I took the photo and drew the sketch (I wanted
to make a very simplified composition on
the paper to match the landscape).

© 2010 - Ben Heine

This is a view of Utrecht from the Dom Tower, which is the tallest church tower in the Netherlands, at 112.5 metres (368 feet) in height (I've lived 7 months in Utrecht). I took the photo and drew the 2 sketches. It was kind of hard to hold the 2 pieces of paper with one hand... :)


I took this photo in the "Palais des Beaux Arts" of Lille, France (I also made the drawing)

I've represented on the paper 3 of my most favorite paintings:

- "The Third of May 1808" by Francisco Goya (the painting is much bigger in the real life)

- "The Birth of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli (the painting is much bigger in the real life)

- "The Gleaners" by Jean-François Millet

The big Eye in the centre of the composition is something I added because what would visual art be without the tool to see it? In my opinion, the human eye and brain and the way we interpret art are even more important than the artworks themselves. The model is my sweet Marta.


The Eye

By Peter S. Quinn

Here I am or if I am
The eye of seeing all
Some of it is a scam
As it's not on the wall:

3 of paintings favorite
Is a pure fantasy play
1 left out deliberate
The Shooting of 3 May

Eye to see another eye
Of model Marta - my dear
Artists now have a try
And draw a picture of her!

© 2010 - Ben Heine

I took this photo near Brussels
(I also made the sketch)

© 2010 - Ben Heine

I took this photo in the Belgian countryside

© 2010 - Ben Heine
Slideshow of the Week

A mix of my "surreal" photos and illustrations

This is the legendary "Tram 28" in Lisbon, Portugal
I drew the sketch and took the photo


Tram 28

By Peter S. Quinn

Lisbon, Portugal
In a tram 28
A drawing erasable
Or a living state

Situation is complex
We are its fact
Visions from our cortex
Those we on react

Dream world between
Is it really so?
Frame of mind seen
The rest we don’t know

© 2010 - Ben Heine
(click on any image to enlarge)

This is another circlist creation. I wanted it to look a bit "wilder" than my previous circlist works. I digitally applied each circle on a black background (I made them appear wider, so it was a bit faster than usual) and I didn't really pay attention to symmetry or details.

More info on my circlist paintings can be found HERE

FYI, the original version of this image is huge (11 000 pixels wide, 300 dpi). If you wish to have any more information, if you simply want to download and own the original version of this work or if you even want to have your own face portrayed in this style, please contact


I took this photo a few days ago
in the Belgian countryside

This is sort of experimental. I'll be posting more
crazy creations in this style in the coming days/weeks.


Reality and Unreality

By Peter S. Quinn

Reality and unreality
It made me laugh
To be or not to be
Are the times epigraph

Everything you might see
Could be a sketch rough
Comprehending its duality
Is the world a bluff?

Endurance in durability
Wishes of arty autograph
On to each its infinity
Draw and photo half to half

© 2010 - Ben Heine
You and I

I took this photo 2 days ago in Braives, Belgium


You and I

By Peter S. Quinn

You and I in spring first
Green rising high to new...
Flowing in gradation burst
Strength rechargeable thru
Each our while is beautiful
Bringing enjoyment to days
Gone are the moment’s dull
Those were in winter haze

You and I close to touch
Everything comes now easily
With the breeze inasmuch
As freshness comes breezily
Its ‘love me or love me not’
Till petals have been plucked
There is rarely aforethought
If feelings are misinstruct

You and I thru the breeze
Each day and in dusky black
So close beneath the trees
Cause spring is on the almanac
Bringing near to closer still
As life nurtures our foliages
Field flowers and on the hill
Air and rain acknowledges

© 2010 - Ben Heine
End of the Day

I took this photo 2 days ago in Braives, Belgium

© 2010 - Ben Heine
I Picked a Daisy

I took this photo 2 days ago in Belgium, sort of an ode to the daisy :)

© 2010 - Ben Heine
She is So Sexy

I took this photo a few days ago in Belgium
I wanted to express female erotism and sensuality

© 2010 - Ben Heine
Hey There - 2

I took this photo near Cascais on the Atlantic coast, in Portugal

© 2010 - Ben Heine
After Rain

I took this photo a few days ago in Braives (Belgium)

© 2010 - Ben Heine
2 Sides

I took this photo of a broken sculpture a few days ago


Black Angels

By Peter S. Quinn

In time and space,
Black angels
Shall find their ways.
There is this other you
Who lies inside and hide
You know of this too
Always in the night.
Black angels
Strong and wild,
Black angels
Never mild.
Sleeping in the days
When the sky is blue,
Then they show their face
When darkness comes through.
Black angels
Falling sin,
Black angels
All within.

© 2010 - Ben Heine
Slideshow of the Week

"Digital Circlism" is a new technique I'm developing. I'm gonna make many other portraits in this style.

You might ask, what exactly is Digital Circlism ? This is a modern artistic expression, a mix between Pop Art and Pointillism. It is made with digital tools (this is just a personal definition).

In my opinion, the most important thing to focus on before starting that kind of project is to understand the dynamic movement of someone's face. I usually paint each circle individually on a black surface with a sharp round brush in Photoshop CS4 (it could be any other graphics creation software).

It is also essential to pay attention on the aspect of each circle (changing slightly the size and color for every circle is always better). That's the difficult part, because there can be several thousands circles in a single portrait. It has to be done with harmony, according to the main lines and dynamism of the subject represented.

I usually make bigger circles in the lighter areas of the subject and smaller circles in the darker places. This gives more volume and a 3D illusion. There is no limit, it's a new technique and I think there is much more to do with it.

(click on any image to enlarge)


This is my "circlist" portrait of Johnny Depp as seen
in Tim Burton's movie "Alice in Wonderland". It took
me several days of work to make it... I painted each
colored circle individually on a black surface.

The original version of this portrait is huge (11 000 pixels
wide, 300 dpi). If you wish to have any more information
about it, please contact

© 2010 - Ben Heine
Random Man in a
Random World

Random Man

By Peter S. Quinn

He is “just a random man”,
Doing whatever he always can,... See More
Making his random steps to somewhere.

Meaning what he always does,
Making a reason for his cause,
Everything in the world is his affair.

Random man please dance on,
Days are turning and years are gone,
Random man you are me and I'm you.

He has a dream that must come true,
It’s for the world to be all new,
Step by step in a noble peace.

Random man come and give,
Everything that you can live,
In your ideal world of love
That tomorrow must be full of.

Meaning what he always does,
Making a reason for his cause,
Everything in the world is his affair.

Random man please dance on,
Days are turning and years are gone,
Random man you are me and I'm you.

He “is just a random man”,
Doing whatever he always can,
Making his random steps to somewhere.

(Parody to the Beatles song, “Nowhere Man”)

Slideshow of the Week

A composite Image is a picture that is made from the combination of multiple images merged into a single surface.

The photos in this set are "constructed" creations. This technique often generates interesting and weird surreal effects. Call this "manipulation" or "montage" if you wish.

I made them with elements from my own stock accumulated over the years. For example, a crazy cloud from Holland, a nice looking animal from Africa, a tree from Canada, any object or subject worth to be seen and combined into a brand new and original composition. There is no limit to creativity, everything is possible.

Of course, there are different levels of difficulty when you start making composite images. In the past I often used only 2 or 3 different photos that I merged into a single creation (let's say a cool sky and a cool land). I'm now rather interested in making more complex images made sometimes from more than 10 elements coming from different photos I took in various places around the world. I sometimes even paint some whole parts of the images I'm working on.

In my opinion, the important thing to focus on when you make that kind of project is to merge the visual elements together in a natural way and make all the added shadows, painted light effects, enhanced perspectives, etc look good and "spontaneous". Depending on your final goals, this can be time consuming.