Recent Worldwide Publications

 Recent Printed Publications:

Sieci - Poland (2013)

Der Bildbearbeiter - Germany (2013)

Braives Bulletin No34 - Belgium (2013)

 Revue 3e Millénaire - France (2013)

Ademhalen Onder de Maan (book cover)
- The Netherlands (2013)

EU, Tu e três pontos (book cover)
- Portugal (2013)

Braives Bulletin No33 - Belgium (2013)

- France (2013)

 Recent Major Online Publications:

Culinaria Yves Mattagne and Ben Heine (2013)

Culinaria Axel Colonna and Ben Heine (2013)

DesignBoom (2013)

Informe21 (2013)


Xinhua News (2013)