A pixie gently alights upon the golden rail of dream
To plead for the world’s peace,
For leaders, kings and queens,
Presidents and ministers to hear.
“Heed well these words.
Peace, in this world, is yours if you want it.
Do not forsake your golden sway
Or forego the bright gift of their trust.”

Did the king answer?
The queen nod?
The president reply?
The minister bow?
What actions did speak for them?

With the plea now awash inside
The pixie flys away,
A shine of hope upon its wings.
The words echo for many days,
“...Peace, in this world, is yours if you want it.
Do not forsake your golden sway
Or forego the bright gift of their trust.”

When the words seek leaders eager to hear a prayer,
Does the king answer,
The queen nod,
The president reply,
The minister bow,
What actions speak for them?

Bush denies Iraq terror worsening, Communists targeted,
Taliban bomb attacks, Gaza a prison, Cluster bombs,
US extends deployment, 'Deaths' in protests, N. Korea Nixes Talks,
'They were celebrating beating us, behaving like criminals'

When tomorrow comes
Will the king answer,
The queen nod,
The president reply,
The minister bow,
What actions will speak for them?

Copyright © 2006 mrp / thepoetryman

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