Don't hesitate to visit the gallery again and again :

Ben, Servant, Yuval
. Gio, Servant, Ben, Yuval

The Artloft gallery : Owlet(221,58)
More photos and description on InTheGrid's Blog
Lowbrow art, also known as pop surrealism, is an art movement that originated in underground comics, hod rod street culture and other California subcultures. "The virtual world of Second Life, surreal in its own right, provides a perfect 'white wall' for exploring the contrast of alternate realities that are the product of marginalized, yet soon-to-become-mainstream, social structures," says Ishtvan Pippen, the owner of The Art Loft.
The Art Loft is a popular gallery in the virtual world of Second Life. It was founded by artist Esch Snoats with the mission of promoting real art in a virtual world. In December 2006, Esch moved on to working full time as an artist and handed off the reins of the Art Loft to Ishtvan Pippen.
The gallery is always looking for talented artists who want to exhibit their work in The Art Loft. To apply please send a brief artist statement and a link to your portfolio to Ishtvan Pippen at Please submit your artist statement in ordinary text format, and send only a link to your website portfolio. Otherwise your email might get filtered out.
To purchase real-world originals or prints of the exhibiting artists, please contact Ishtvan Pippen at To purchase virtual copies of our artists' work in Second Life please visit the gallery at Owlet(221,58).
Ben Heine "erotico fantastico burlesque" paintings. Opening December 15, 2006. 2 to 4 PM SL time.
Patrick Auletto Opening December 29, 2006. 6 to 8 PM SL time.
Eric Luden Opening January 7, 2006. 6 to 8 PM SL time.
Laszlo Wombat paintings Opening November 1
BD Gilmour photography Opening September 15
-->This text originally appeared on Keenag (Keenag is the lowbrow art gallery of Second Life. It started as a series of exhibits in The Art Loft, a popular artist-run space in Second Life. On December 29, 2006, Keenag is inagurating its new space adjacent to The Art Loft, becoming the first independent Second Life gallery focused exclusively on lowbrow art. )