Selection of Major Online Publications
Daily Record - UK (2014)
Fubiz - France (2014)
iCanvasART - USA (2014)
Hankyung Daily - South Korea (2013)
eDaily - South Korea (2013)
The Herald Business - South Korea (2013)
Wowtv - South Korea (2013)
MyModernMet - USA (2013)
Adobe Photoshop - USA (2012)
Samsung - Portugal (2012)
Bit News - Portugal (2012)
Information Times - Dayoo News - China (2012)

Photography Blogger - USA (July 2012)

Yahoo News India (June 2012)

El Economista (May 2012)

Daily Mirror (May 2012)

9 Gag (April 2012)

Bored Panda (April 2012)

The Sun (2011) (2011)

La Repubblica (2011)

El Pais (2011)

Daily Mail (2011)
BBC Brazil (2011)

Newslite (2011)

IberPress (2011)

Reportages Photos (2011)

Newsletter of the Belgian Embassy in London (2011)

Yahoo Germany (2011)
Estadao (2011)
Inspiration Feed (2011)

The Telegraph (2011)
Shortlist (2011)

Creative Monkeyz (2011)

RTVE (2011)

Samsung Imaging (2011)

My Modern Met (2011)

Trends Now (2011)

Wild Experience (2011)

Zoomzine (2011)

Lost at E Minor (2011)

Graphik Island (2011)

Minute Buzz (2) (2011)

Bruno (2011)

Trend Hunter (2011)

Design Love (2011)

Creadictos (2) (2011)

Maxi Tendance (2011)

Nieuwsblad (2010)
Justin Timberlake Site (2010)
BoingBoing (2010)
Brussel Nieuws (2010)
BuzzFeed (2010)
Flickr Blog (2010)
Fubiz (2010)
Gigazine (2010)
Humo (2010)
Koreus (2010)
LearnDesign (2010)
Like Cool (2010)
MIG News (2010)
MinuteBuzz (2010)
NewsLite (2010)
Peta Pixel (2010)
Queeried (2010)
Supo (2010)
Trend Hunter (2010)
Trends Now (2010)
Bored Panda (2010)
Abduzeedo (2010)
Designers Couch (2010)
Topito (2010)
Toxel (2010)
The Daily Mail - UK (2014)
Daily Record - UK (2014)
The Daily Mirror - UK (2014)
MSN - UK (2014)
De Morgen - Belgium (2014)
Adevarul - Romania (2014)
PressTV - Iran (2014)
Panorama - Italy (2014)
Het Laatste Nieuws (HLN) - Belgium (2014)
Sabado - Portugal (2014)
De Redactie/VRT - Belgium (2014)
Noticias24 - Venezuela (2014)
Het Laatste Nieuwe (HLN) - Belgium (2014)
Metro Online - UK (2014)
Crienglish - China (2014)
Beautiful Life - UK (2014)
LOTL Rescue FB (2014)
iCanvasART - USA (2014)
Lemesos Press - Greece (2014)
Onedio - Turkey (2014)
Patras Events - Greece (2014)
Lianhe Wanbao - Singapore (2014)
Eticamente - Italy (2014)
Pure Break - France (2014)
Hinews - China (2014)
De Redactie/VRT - Belgium (2014)
Xinhuanet - China (2014)
CNTV - China (2014)
Hebnews - China (2014)
Web Urbanist - UK (2014)
VT News - Thailand (2014)
Visual News - China (2014)
UnWire - China (2014)
eBuzz - South Korea (2013)
eNewsToday - South Korea (2013)
F.OUND - South Korea (2013)
Hankyung Daily - South Korea (2013)
eDaily - South Korea (2013)
The Herald Business - South Korea (2013)
Wowtv - South Korea (2013)
Culinaria Ben Heine and Yves Mattagne (2013)
Culinaria Ben Heine and Axel Colonna (2013)
Toxel - Hungary (2013)
MyModernMet - USA (2013)
DesignBoom (2013)
Informe21 (2013)
Ziarul de Iasi (2013)
Xinhua News (2013)
Adobe Photoshop - USA (2012)
Samsung - Portugal (2012)
Adobe Photoshop FB page - USA (2012)
Samsung Portugal FB Page (2012)
Bit News - Portugal (2012)
Information Times - Dayoo News - China (2012)

Photography Blogger - USA (July 2012)

Yahoo News India (June 2012)

The Sun (June 2012)

BBC Brasil (June 2012)

MSN Mexico (May 2012)

The Telegraph (May 2012)

Daily Mirror (June 2012)

Topky (May 2012)
El Economista (May 2012)

Anninh Thudo (May 2012)

Daily Mirror (May 2012)

PSFK - USA (July 2012)

Excelsior - Mexico (July 2012)

Fabulous Noble - Great Britain (July 2012)

9 Gag (April 2012)

Bored Panda (April 2012)
My Modern Met (April 2012)

The Sun (2011)

The Telegraph (2011)
The Sun (2011)
The Huffington Post (2011)
Yahoo News (Oct. 2011)
Daily Mail (Sept. 2011)

Photoshop FB page (2011) (2011)
The Telegraph (2011)

La Repubblica (2011)

El Pais (2011)

Daily Mail (2011)
The Telegraph (2011)
BBC Brazil (2011)
CNN Turk (2011)
Pop Photography (2011)
Tuoitre (2011) (2011)

Radikal (2011)

Okezone (2011)

FYIapple (2011)

čas (2011)
Freakepedia (2011)
The Design Inspiration (2011)
Webnoviny (2011)
Newslite (2011)

IberPress (2011)

Reportages Photos (2011)

Newsletter of the Belgian Embassy in London (2011)

Yahoo Germany (2011)
MSN Brazil (2011)
Arte Spain (2011)
Estadao (2011)
Inspiration Feed (2011)

The Telegraph (2011)

Shortlist (2011)

Creative Monkeyz (2011)

RTVE (2011)

Samsung Imaging (2011)

My Modern Met (2011)

Trends Now (2011)

Design You Trust (2011)
Weeklysh (2011)

The Next Web (2011)

Something We Like (2011)

Wild Experience (2011)

Zoomzine (2011)

Lost at E Minor (2011)

Graphik Island (2011)

Minute Buzz (2) (2011)

Bruno (2011)

Trend Hunter (2011)

Design Love (2011)

Creadictos (2) (2011)

Maxi Tendance (2011)

Photoxels (2011)

Mercury Movil (2011)

PTC (2011)

Dantri (2011)

Newslite (2011)

Criativa (2011)

Oddity Central (2011)

East News (2011)

Short News (2011)

AGD Mag (2011)

Franck Bruckner (2011)

Newzilla (2011)

Shiny Shiny (2011)
Outstanding Photographers (2011)
Photography Blogger (2011)
Dushi (2011)
Complex (2011)
The D Photo (2011)
Phototrend (2011)

Nieuwsblad (2010)
Justin Timberlake Site (2010)
BoingBoing (2010)
Brussel Nieuws (2010)
BuzzFeed (2010)
Flickr Blog (2010)
Fubiz (2010)
Gigazine (2010)
Humo (2010)
Koreus (2010)
LearnDesign (2010)
Like Cool (2010)
MIG News (2010)
MinuteBuzz (2010)
NewsLite (2010)
Peta Pixel (2010)
Queeried (2010)
Supo (2010)
Trend Hunter (2010)
Trends Now (2010)
Bored Panda (2010)
Abduzeedo (2010)
Designers Couch (2010)
Topito (2010)
Toxel (2010)
Older online Publications (June 2010)
My designs have also frequently appeared on these online references (the following list was last updated in 2010):
‘BBC’, ‘Gizmodo’, ‘RTVE, ‘Abduzeedo’, ‘Artprice’, ‘CNNturk’, ‘TheNextWeb’, ‘ShortNews’, ‘Toxel’, ‘Fottus’, ‘Fubiz’, ‘YourInspirationMagazine’, ‘ForwardThinkingMuseum’, ‘CoolPictureGallery’, ‘ArteSpain’, ‘TempoStretto’, ‘Buzzfeed’, ‘BoingBoing’, ‘Mydesy’, ‘UniqueDaily’, ‘FigurativeArtist’, ‘TheLuxurySpot’, ‘PhotographyOffice’, ‘TheAwesomer’, ‘MSN’, ‘Yahoo’, ‘BestBookmarks’, ‘SomethinAmazing’, ‘FolhaDeSãoPaulo’, ‘Sub-Reality’, ‘FreshBump’, ‘GameKult’, ‘IllusionArt’, ‘UltimoSegundo’, ‘Pernambuco’, ‘Odcloneno’, ‘FrancescoMugnai’, ‘Eosso’, ‘LookAtMe’, ‘DesignBump’, ‘WebDev5’, ‘InspirationFeed’, ‘AnimHut’, ‘FullScreenMag’, ‘AccessibleArtFair’, ‘AffordableArtFair’, ‘DesignFloat’, ‘Grafficoo’, ‘AppartGallery’, ‘TheArtMovement’, ‘LumiereSur’, ‘CrooksAndLiars’, ‘MarinChiriac’, ‘BritishBlogs’, ‘Newslite’, ‘Grappa’, ‘TVBrussel’, ‘E-Junkie’, ‘PopPhoto’, ‘Moillusions’, ‘ShutterSkill’, ‘CGArena’, ‘TheWondrous’, ‘ThePhotoArgus’, ‘ActuartNet’, ‘Zizot’, ‘Koreus’, ‘Demotywatory’, ‘OnionMag’, ‘PicameMag’, ‘Framtiden’, ‘Pictures’, ‘Miiinimal’, ‘SmashingMagazine’, ‘FlashNews’, ‘FlavorWire’, ‘Lurvely’, ‘ZootPatrol’, ‘PetaPixel’, ‘ArtYouKnow’, ‘CreerMag’, ‘NetVibes’, ‘WebDesignCore’, ‘WeirdStuffOnline’, ‘PhotoPresent’, ‘Pictures’, ‘DessinHumour’, ‘BeautyInEverything’, ‘BrusselNieuws’, ‘DeStandaard’, ‘Nieuwsblad’, ‘Mirror’, ‘Humo’, ‘AnimalNewYork’, BigPictr, ‘Hype-Life’, ‘JaxDailyRecord’, ‘ZestForPhotography’, ‘FunOfDesign’, ‘DesignCorner’, ‘Pichaus’, ‘WebDesign-News’, ‘AllArtNews’, ‘WonderHowTo’, ‘TrendHunter’, ‘DivineCaroline’, ‘TutorArt’, ‘BeautyProducts’, ‘Geeker’, ‘WebAndDesigners’, ‘Skyje’, ‘Tzurin’, ‘Bitrebels’, ‘Buzzdock’, ‘Life-On-Photo’, ‘EscapistMagazine’, ‘SamsungImaging’, ‘WorkFlowPhotoshop’, ‘Kuult’, ‘ShootMeMore’, ‘Buzzinn’, ‘DesignMiner’, ‘TheBoredNinja’, ‘TheFigurativeArtBeat’, ‘MaiMuse’, ‘Art.zjol’ ‘Novate’, ‘Topito’, ‘BuzziNews’, ‘ObviousWinner’, ‘RobotvsBadger’, ‘Photosfolies’, ‘BobMarley’, ‘DelightPhotos’, ‘BrokenControllers’, ‘Artneuland’, ‘JoeMonster’, ‘Hirobow’, ‘Jimmyr’, ‘DigitalMarmelade’, ‘Nadave’, ‘CultureShoq’, ‘Creative’, ‘Popurls’, ‘LeProsorium’, ‘JFdaily’, ‘Design-Newz’, ‘Wopular’, ‘Photo.Tutsplus’, ‘Psd.Tutsplus’, ‘LaughingSquid’, ‘Cultura-Gay’, ‘CrePhoto’, ‘Anti-Gorod’, ‘WeHeartIt’, ‘Vitaminwatercanada’, Roodo’, ‘Juxtaposition’, ‘NRCnext’, ‘WhatiFeeliShot’, ‘CarneMag’, ‘Stifler’, ‘Splendora’, ‘Designyoutrust’, ‘Zupi’, ‘Notcot’, ‘InoverYourHead’, ‘Fokis’, ‘BlueBrussels’, ‘KevinNuut’, ‘LostAtEMinor’, ‘PulpFactor’, ‘WolframMagazine’, ‘Phawker’, ‘Huibit05’, ‘Trickfist’, ‘Canonistas’, ‘Swaziaid’, ‘Baidu, ‘SeaDragon’, ‘Sharman Networks’, ‘Tuenti’, ‘Kwerfeldein’, ‘Celebrifi’, ‘PistonHeads’, ‘Spotindo’, ‘EmilIsberg’, ‘UnknownDivide’, ‘CLFMag’, ‘Skimbu’, ‘ffffound’, ‘GlobalGrind’, ‘LaCuevaDigital’, ‘GlobalTrash’,‘iGoogle’, ‘TheBlogisMine’, ‘Complex’, ‘ExistingVisual’, ‘FunnyJunk’, ‘Seine-Maritime’, ‘ServingHistory’, ‘WindowsOfTheSoul’, ‘Ecrans’, ‘InstantShift’, ‘JoshFassbind’, ‘Timsah’, ‘PandemiaFanzine’, ‘DigitalArtist’, ‘ShootLove’, ‘PixelSteam’, ‘GooGage’, ‘CogumeloLouco’, ‘AmazingMoments’, ‘BangaloreMirror’, ‘Fantastico.Globo’, ‘Stylem’, ‘Funlok’, ‘SimplyPeaceable’, ‘Vlartv’, ‘CurieuxDeTrucs’, ‘Safa’, ‘Photoity’, ‘TodayInDesign’, ‘2leep’, ‘Machoarts’, ‘AcidCow’, ‘AcrisDesign’, ‘El Pais’, ‘DailyMail’, ‘La Repubblica’, ‘FunLogg’, ‘Worbz’, ‘KarlaDiazcano’, ‘Design-Enter’, ‘Demilked’, ‘Portalwww’, ‘FunLimited’, ‘Visboo’, ‘Wahoha’, ‘Cupofwtf’, ‘CoolPictureGallery’, ‘Bruno’, ‘DzineWatch’, ‘Planetoddity’, ‘TheCoolHunter’, ‘PhotoshopCreative’, ‘VuStudents’, ‘PieWay’, ‘ChainSawSandJelly’, ‘Demilked’, ‘TimePass69’, ‘GraphicDrugs’, ‘FunOnTheNet’, ‘TheDesignInspiration’, ‘Photos-Room’, ‘AliceInDesignLand’, ‘EndFun’, ‘TheNewPursuit’, ‘ElBrollo’, ‘Dushi’, ‘PersonalityCafe’, ‘The-D-Photo’, ‘TattooDesignsVault’, ‘Misolutionz’, ‘ObviousMag’, ‘Skirt’ ‘InspirationFeed’, ‘CityofBoston’, ‘PhotographyBlogger’, ‘Complex’, ‘Entretenimento’, ‘Ig-g1.Globo’, ‘Arturogoga’, ‘CorreiodoBrasil’, ‘IdeaFixa’, ‘43pixels’, ‘Novisse’, ‘UOL’, ‘Divirta’, ‘Ideamsg’, ‘Webnoviny’, ‘ReportagesPhotos’, ‘Diariouno’, ‘Taringa’, ‘The Fancy’, ‘RexFeatures’, ‘MyModernMet’, ‘AgdMag’, ‘ArtistsInspireArtists’, ‘Kulturologia’, ‘Blog.Sina’, ‘MechanicalDummy’, ‘Lupin3’, ‘Buzzdock’, ‘Wired’, ‘Sapoworld, ‘Diantre’, ‘IoAcquaeSapone’, ‘Queeried’, ‘FacingPages’, ‘GraphicsWay’, ‘YouAreHere’, ‘Modny73’, ‘NovaMakedonija’, ‘ThemeFlash’, ‘Gammaniak’, ‘Macnyt’, ‘GnomeAngel’, ‘Leaflette’, ‘Kwerfeldein’, ‘Dornob’, ‘Ocondesign’, ‘AhmedGalal’, ‘espineli’, ‘Pop’, ‘Safa’, ‘9gag’, ‘PaperBlog’, ‘Vi.sualize’, ‘Exalism’, ‘FashionIndie’, ‘TheWorldMarch’, ‘TwistedSifter’, ‘Paranoias’, ‘IIlusionArt-gfx’, ‘Gainsbarre’, ‘Artistes-Contre-le-Mur’, ‘KingOfPopMemorial’, ‘CafeDelAmour’, ‘ArtisOpenSource’, ‘WebReweries’, ‘DowntownLaLife’, ‘Bassedef’, ‘WeLikeThat’, ‘ Neeo’, ‘CreativeSideBlog’, ‘Denkanstoesse’, ‘Mag.Sky’, ‘ViewMag’,‘Life-Travels’, ‘AnswerBag’, Gaberism’, ‘BlissTree’, ‘ComparteTusRecuerdos’, ‘HumboldTwings’, ‘Mepeace’, ‘Walyou’, ‘Zogotunga’, ‘FreeThinker’, ‘IskamDaZnam’, ‘BloodyLucy’, ‘CantSeeTheForest’, ‘BrendanMission’, ‘Gencept’, ‘Contre-Feux’, ‘Mixx’, ‘Yepce’, ‘Garotasnerds’, ‘Pplock’, ‘NetDiver’, ‘BlogBang’, ‘Sacstatedg’, ‘JennydeMalaga’, ‘Draxrio’, ‘Smays’, ‘Old-Gospel’, ‘DeathByDecadence’, ‘HouseOfCat’, ‘CrookedBrains’, ‘ChaosZone’, ‘Modny73’, ‘Oculoid’, ‘Avertigo’, ‘FunnySiteOfTheDay’, ‘DaringMinds’, ‘Czeta’, ‘BallaJack’, ‘Comlimao’, ‘Bigorna’, ‘Fotolog’, ‘Horsducommun’, ‘Kweeper’, ChrisBrownWorld’, ‘EnvironmentalGraffiti’, ‘Damz’, ‘Deceptology’, ‘JuliusDesign’, ‘ArticleSlash’, ‘Amiemills’, ‘Aysoon’, ‘WTFoodge’, ‘NetZlogBuch, ‘WildRiverReview’, ‘Notas.Posterous’, ‘TollyTorrents’, ‘LadyGagaSource’, ‘LadyGagaLoud’, ‘Squiggle’, ‘ExoticCars’, ‘AmericanIdolizer’, ‘NeuroSoftware’, ‘Sigitsanyoto’, ‘DonQuichotte’, ‘Brazilcartoon’, ‘ToonPool’, ‘NewAmericanDream’, ‘CafeBabel’, ‘Feco’, ‘Djibnet’, ‘GModules’, ‘ThePeoplesVoice’, ‘Point.e’, ‘MyHero’, ‘CounterPunch’, ‘Concorde’, ‘FleshandStones’, ‘Pixdaus’, ‘Zikison’, ‘Wikipedia’, ‘Wikimedia’, ‘Beranger’, ‘Cartoonworld’, ‘Greekartoon’, ‘PersianCartoon’, ‘FivePrime‘, ‘YayEveryday’, ‘Compfight’, ‘Bing’, ‘Intermedia’, ‘Darckr’, ‘Tribords’, ‘MJAnimations’, ‘Netgains’, ‘PoemHunter’, ‘Gelistrend’, ‘Buzz.Bazooka’, ‘TheCuteList’, ‘Technodisco’, ‘SmallBlog’, ‘Vues’, ‘Reddit’, ‘Dapperscoo’, ‘Upaupas’, ‘Pongerie’, ‘MeQuieroIrDeViaje’, ‘WorldPeaceDiet’, ‘Designers’, ‘Fccs’, ‘Pepsi.gizmodo’, ‘Gallery.asianstar’, ‘Empireonline’…