A leaf stuck at the surface of a partially frozen lake.
I took this picture a few days ago in Brussels...
Detail "Crisp":
It is Freezing
It was a very cold day in Belgium. I found this precious duo
in a park in Brussels. These birds were amazingly colorful
and beautiful. It made a perfect contrast with the pale frozen
lake. The bird on the right is a Mandarin Duck. According to
an old woman who goes to the lake every day, the 2 animals
became friends and stay together all the time. Lovely couple!
Detail "It is Freezing":
Another leaf stuck at the surface of a frozen lake.
Fresh Jupiler!
Most popular beer here in Belgium :)
Yes, it's already snowing...
(The above photos have been shot with the Samsung NX10)
Me in the snow during the shooting (photo by Mattbed):