Relaxing On The Grass

© 2009 - Ben Heine
A picture I took around Oxford in England
Hands of
A poem by Peter S. Quinn
Engaging hands of earth - you touch us still
Around and round in every transparent dream
Each bleaching falling glisten in quietness seem
Dear sweet autumn that my yearnings fulfill
Your smooth earthen mixture of shadings to thrill
With stars in your hair of yellow brown stream
Summer of gold is now leaving in gleam
Giving to dim every song in its skill
Withering dark to the changing grass confer
With ground tincturing that dresses the leaves
In the placid of days that are going by
Now is the time of full harvesting year
Just before tomorrow comes in with grieves:
Crack of dawn calm and the red clouded sky

© 2009 - Ben Heine
A picture I took around Oxford in England
Hands of
A poem by Peter S. Quinn
Engaging hands of earth - you touch us still
Around and round in every transparent dream
Each bleaching falling glisten in quietness seem
Dear sweet autumn that my yearnings fulfill
Your smooth earthen mixture of shadings to thrill
With stars in your hair of yellow brown stream
Summer of gold is now leaving in gleam
Giving to dim every song in its skill
Withering dark to the changing grass confer
With ground tincturing that dresses the leaves
In the placid of days that are going by
Now is the time of full harvesting year
Just before tomorrow comes in with grieves:
Crack of dawn calm and the red clouded sky